
Supply Chain Resilience in a Post-Pandemic World

The COVID-19 pandemic made us all aware of the extreme vulnerabilities in the supply chains all across the globe. The challenge was truly unprecedented. The disruptions ranged from being present in the manufacturing processes to delays being experienced in transportation. And hence in the post-pandemic era, building resilient supply chains is now more than ever…

Precision Paradigm: Navigating the TQM Journey

Type / to choose a block A core definition of total quality management (TQM) describes a management approach to long-term success through customer satisfaction. In a TQM effort, all members of an organization participate in improving processes, products, services, and the culture in which they work. How does TQM benefit operations? Primary Elements of TQM:…

Supply Chain Disruptions due to Russia-Ukraine War

The conflict between Ukraine and Russia has sparked a global crisis. Russian Federation launched its special military operation in Ukraine on 24th February 2022 ending months of uncertainty over its troop build-up at the border. The subsequent sanctions on Russian exports, banks and individuals by the United States, European Union, and G7 have added to…

Inventory Management for Small Businesses: Strategies for Success

We find ourselves in an era where consumers are well-informed, contributing to a business landscape marked by intense competition. This necessitates maximum efficiency at every level for companies, particularly where inventory management is concerned. Inventory often stands as the most substantial asset on a company’s balance sheet, thus requiring meticulous handling. The efficient management of…

Cinema Snacks: The Supply Chain Behind Movie Theatre Food

Introduction The fragrance of buttered popcorn, the crispness of nachos, and the pleasant perfume of candy – these are all connected with the act of seeing a movie in a theatre. Although we typically consume these delicacies without much contemplation, there exists a complex network of suppliers that guarantees the prompt availability of our beloved…

Operations Trendsetters: Navigating the Future for Tomorrow’s Business Success

In today’s dynamic business landscape, where competition is unfathomably fierce, and changes happen just around the corner, staying ahead of the game is not just a strategic decision anymore—it is a crucial prerequisite for long-term and sustained success. As we embrace the future, the winds of change ushering in a new era of operational excellence…


Quick commerce or Q-commerce is a business model that focuses on ultra-fast delivery of goods and services to make on-demand delivery and innovations in last minute delivery a reality. It is changing the landscape of the e-commerce business. The evolution began in 2011 with companies like Postmates but gained traction only in 2017. This paradigm…

Efficient Hotel Operations: A Key to Guest Satisfaction

Guest happiness is of utmost importance in today’s fiercely competitive hospitality business. Guests have many options when choosing a hotel, and their expectations are becoming more refined and exacting. Consequently, hotels must surpass expectations to deliver an outstanding visitor experience. Optimal hotel operations are crucial for attaining this objective. What do effective hotel operations entail?…

Demand Forecasting: Key to Efficient Inventory Management

What is demand forecasting? Demand forecasting is the process of figuring out how much inventory you will need in the future by looking at past data, trends, and events to fulfill the demand of the consumer. Businesses ensure that they have enough products to fill customer orders. It helps them mitigate risks associated with the…

Impact of Food Delivery Apps on the Bullwhip Effect in Food Industry

The growth of the internet has affected many industries, and the food industry is no exception. Online Food Delivery Apps (FDAs) have become popular, reaching a larger audience. The demand for food items in India has increased due to the rising number of internet users in the country. Other reasons for this growth include an…


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